When we started Innovation Women, the mission was to provide equal visibility opportunities for women, supporting career development, business success, and thought leadership and expert status. We originally focused on entrepreneurial and technical women…hence the name. Since that time, we expanded the mission. Now we support more than 190 different industries…and other underrepresented voices. You will find women, men (especially male allies supporting our initial mission), nonbinary individuals, people of color, people with disabilities, and more.
We’re also here to help event managers avoid the all-male, all-pale and all-stale panels we see so often at industry conferences and events. We need more diversity onstage. We need to be more inclusive.
Since 2015, we have consistently grown and placed hundreds of speakers, presenters, workshop leaders, emcees, and facilitators on stages across the world. We have also helped hundreds of event managers successfully build diverse panels and events. We connect our members with visibility opportunities and help them move forward in their businesses or careers. We also want to ensure that our platform reflects the breadth and depth of our world so events can showcase that diversity and inspire future generations.
Below are just some of the Innovation Women accomplishments. (Our mission metrics are current as of November 2024.)

total calls for speakers
calls for speakers currently on the platform (new opportunities added daily)
direct invitations through the platform (does not include direct invitations through speaker websites/social media)

social media posts promoting our speakers
social media followers
speakers on our webinar series
members featured in Lioness Magazine

specific searches for speakers
searches for speaking opportunities
unique keywords and topics searched
searchable industry options

speakers supported in their quest for visibility
speakers and event managers
attendees at Speaker Friend events
members in our Facebook group and our Online Communities

“I’m really excited to be a part of the Innovation Women Family and community and I really highly recommend it. It’s a very small investment for a very big return.” Kathryn Rose (Speaker)
“Innovation Women was a great resource in sourcing speakers for this event, and streamlined my process 10 fold. I went from no panelists to done within a couple days when normally it can take weeks. I’ll certainly continue to lean on the platform to ensure that our panels are fair and balanced.” Aaron Radez, Beacon Hill Partners (Event Manager).