Innovation Women has partnered with Staples for an Innovation Women Speaker Series at Staples Studio.
Gremlins, in coaching terms, are habits that stop people from achieving their goals in business or life. Gremlins rise up when we try to take action or complete a goal. They come up, almost unconsciously, and stop you from completing a goal or a phase in a project. However, our gremlins don’t need to win. Questioning the validity of our gremlins allows us to gain the wisdom to overcome them.
We will discuss four main gremlins seen in business. We’ll discuss how they manifest themselves and how we can start to question them. This will be an interactive workshop where we will be discussing how our gremlins are holding us back, how to face them head-on, and strategies to overcome them.
We encourage everyone to join us this summer to learn about a variety of topics. Innovation Women members, non-members, men and women are welcome to join!