Mere hours after we pushed Innovation Women live we were on our way to Plymouth, MA for the Geek Girl Boston South Tech Con. More than 500 other women (and a few guys) were there to geek out, learn stuff and connect with other Geek Girls and their supporters. It was truly an awesome event!
We met women of all ages who were truly passionate about tech and unafraid to network, ask questions and get involved in the many opportunities at the event. Attendees ranged everywhere from coders and independent business owners to women seeking a career change into the tech scene or just learning a new skill.
There was lots to do. In addition to the many company booths to visit and people to network with, the event had various panel discussions, tons of classes attendees could take and a featured speaker. Our very own Bobbie Carlton participated in the “Sharkette Tank Pitch Fest”.
One of the highlights for us was the opportunity to pitch Innovation Women, and we are very excited by the feedback and interest we received! We look forward to participating in the next Geek Girls Tech Con. A hearty congrats to Leslie and her team for a truly terrific event!
Geek Girl events are nationwide. Find one near you!
PS: Check out this Storify for more great pics!