Check out the latest events featuring Innovation Women speakers!


Mari Anne Snow presents Building virtual water cooler moments to keep your remote team engaged on April 10, and Keeping remote teams on the same page on April 17. These are part of a continuing series on remote work and managing remote teams. These online events are free.


Parna Sarkar-Basu will be speaking at #SGvirtual: Balancing Personal and Company Branding for Founders on April 7. You can read her article Are Marketers Ready For The Next Decade Of Tech Evolutions? on Forbes.



Meghan Gardner will be speaking at INBOUND2020 August 18-21 in Boston MA. (Psst – Meghan is super excited because we urged her to apply and her talk got accepted! What about you? Any other INBOUND-bound speakers?)



Franky Descoteaux presents Staff Retention: Keeping Staff Engaged during Covid-19 on Facebook Live on April 8.




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