Check out the latest events featuring Innovation Women speakers!
Miracle Olatunji will be speaking at the She+ Geeks Out Summit on September 27 in Boston, MA. She was also featured in this article from the City of Boston about her new book, “Purpose: How To Live and Lead With Impact”.
L. Shay Bradham presents 99 Day Author Blueprint: Write and Publish Your Business Book in 99 Days on August 21 at the Staples Studio in Danvers, MA.
Kimberly Miles will be emceeing the MetroWest Conference for Women September 18-19 in Framingham MA.
Kate Baucherel will be speaking at these upcoming events: #Cyberfest on September 11 at Teeside University in Middlebrough UK, and Venturefest on September 25 at Middlesbrough Football Club Riverside Stadium, UK. She also has a PanelPicker proposal in for voting for SXSW 2020 – vote for her here!