…is like an orchestra without violins.
A day of protest from our country’s immigrants closed stores, day care centers, and restaurants and left many other businesses either closed or short-handed but drove home a key point – where would we be without our immigrant population? As a nation, we are dependent on our immigrant population. Diverse populations are strong.
Think of a choir or an orchestra – without all the parts being sung, without all the instruments being played, the music is thin and, at times, it can grow silent. We promote gender-balanced panels and conferences and actively engage with event managers to provide them with more diverse options for speakers. Any conference or event with only one type of speaker is not as strong as it could be and is not presenting a complete view of the world. And yes, that includes women-only events.
Event managers: you can find dozens of different speakers on hundreds of different topics in our online self-service database. Just sign up for a free account, or, if you have already signed up, just sign-in to begin browsing our great speakers.
Thinking about joining Innovation Women as a speaker? Check it out today. Sign up for a free account to get started down the path to more visibility and help us put more diverse speakers onstage. In addition to direct invitations, you’ll also receive our exclusive speaker newsletter, with dozens of speaking opportunities every week. Here’s an example of one of our new opportunities: apply to speak in Las Vegas at the IoT Evolution Expo! They are looking for experts on industrial and enterprise internet of things.