Studies have shown that high-pressure, anxiety-producing situations lead to lower performance on cognitively demanding tasks. In real talk, we’re spinning in analysis paralysis. This moment of overwhelm has us ask ourselves a Universal question. “What am I doing with my life?” While it might feel impossible to answer, the real problem is making important decisions feels daunting, but what’s really happening is it feeds the fire of doubt. Yet we can agree it’s true that softening that pressure doesn’t soothe doubt but soothing doubt can soften the pressure. That’s why, to answer that Universal question we need to relieve the pressure of current and future decision making by quieting self-doubt. And you do that by connecting to your intuition. Here’s how. We expand ease by being cognizant, staying curious, and choosing the life you desire. Cognizant. Curious. Choose. In this session, we’ll explore how not only do these steps achieve the goal, it also allows better communication, creates comfort in setting boundaries, and supports a happier life.