These Innovation Women are featured speakers at upcoming events, being published, and being interviewed – check them out!
Innovation Woman Stephanie Palermo will present “Change Your Mind and Positively Influence Your Children” on April 10 at Westminster Academy in Atlanta GA. She will also present “Find Your Bliss and Follow It” on April 12 at Regis College in Weston MA.
Innovation Woman Andrea Goulet will be presenting “Digging into a Legacy Code base” at the Mob Programming Conference on April 12-13 in Burlington MA.
Innovation Woman Christie Lindor will be speaking at TEDx Zaragoza on April 15 in Zaragoza Spain. She has also published her first book, The MECE Muse.
Innovation Woman Kathy Winger will be speaking at RSA Conference 2018 on April 16-20 in San Francisco. Kathy got this speaking engagement through our newsletter listings!
Innovation Woman Alyssa Dver will deliver the Opening Keynote: “Kickass Confidence: Neuro-based Strategies & Secrets to STAND Out. Be Heard. Have Impact.” at the Boston GLOW Career and Empowerment Conference on April 21.
Innovation Woman Donna Smith Bellinger presents “Increasing Visibility and Credibility in Your Profession” at the SheLeadsTech Half Day Seminar May 2 in Chicago IL.
Innovation Woman Debra Baker will present Towards A Crowd-Sourced Cryptographic Knowledge Base at the International Cryptographic Module Conference on May 11.
Innovation Woman Regina Au will be a moderator/organizer at the BIO Convention June 4-7 in Boston MA. Her session, “Our Microbiome and Its Relationship to Various Diseases,” is under the Next Generation Biotherapeutics Track.
Innovation Woman Candice Hughes will Chair “How to De-Risk Alliances for Success” and present, “The Vendor Perspective on De-Risking Partnerships for Shared Success” at the DIA 2018 Annual Meeting June 24-28 in Boston MA.
Innovation Woman Kate Baucherel will be speaking at the Security IT Summit London on July 3, 2018 – she got this opportunity through the Innovation Women newsletter! More information here.