We have so many amazing coaches in our database, we had to make a second installment. These are women who primarily coach businesses, in areas such as workplace culture, team building, and organizational change. Whether you’re looking for a conference or an internal workshop, you can find these women and more on Innovation Women.
The 2019 Business Coaches Super Panel: First Row: Alice Heiman, San Francisco, CA; Alida Zweidler-McKay, Lincoln, MA; Ande Lyons, Boston, MA; Babette Ten Haken, Ann Arbor, MI; Felicia Jadczak, Boston, MA; Second Row: Barbara Roche, Boston, MA; Blair Glaser, Hudson Valley, NY; Carole Mahoney, Boston, MA; Kemi Sorinmade, Boston, MA; Jane Gentry, Atlanta, GA; Third Row: Donna Ceriani, Boston, MA; Jacobina Trump, Sarasota, FL; Lau Lapides, Wellesley, MA; Mary Abbajay, Washington, DC; Melissa Alexis, Boston, MA; Fourth Row: Joanne Black, San Francisco; Kim Dawson, Boston, MA; Lordina Buckingham, Atlanta, GA; Moira Ni Ghallachoir, Ireland; Nanette Fridman, Boston, MA; Fifth Row: Pat Obuchowski, San Francisco, CA; Rachel Wynn, Washington, DC; Ruth Lund, Portsmouth, NH; Tamiko Cuellar, St. Louis, MO; Valerie Rivera, San Francisco.
Find them, and more, with a free account on InnovationWomen.com. Once approved, you can search for speakers, and connect with them directly to invite to your event.
Twitter Handles: @aliceheiman; @zmcoach; @AndeLyons; @babettetenhaken; @felishdadish; @confidenttalker; @BlairGlaser; @icarolemahoney; @thegrowthstudio; @janegentry; @DonnaCeriani; @laulapides; @maryabbajay; @ReferralSales; @sassystrategist; @Lori_Buckingham; @mngDonegal; @NanetteFridman; @GutsyWomenWin; @feministwynn; @rutholund; @PursueUrPurpose; @takebackwork