1. What is Innovation Women?
Innovation Women is a new type of speaker bureau – we call it a visibility bureau. We help connect female professionals with speaking opportunities, podcast guest slots and expert source opportunities with journalists through our online platform. Event managers can use the platform to produce gender-balanced panels and events with great speakers.
2. What is Innovation Women’s mission?
Our mission is to help women get more visibility for themselves, their careers and their companies through speaking engagements. We all understand that visibility brings with it opportunity. All too often we find ourselves listening to the same stories, the same voices, the same speakers. It is time for new, diverse voices to be heard. And, as those voices are heard, there is a lot of opportunity that comes along with it.
3. How is Innovation Women different from a traditional speaker bureau?
Traditional speaker bureaus only manage speakers who collect speaker fees and ignore the speakers who speak for the visibility. We offer opportunity for all kinds of speakers, at all levels. (Some of our members are just getting started and are looking to learn.) We also offer more than just speaking engagements – it’s not unusual for our members to be invited to judge pitch contests, guest on podcasts or speak to the media, etc. We also share your successes in our newsletters, on our blog and on social media. We own Lioness Magazine, a digital magazine for female entrepreneurs and frequently feature our members, their books and podcasts there too.
4. How is Innovation Women different from a Google Docs list?
There are some great lists out there of women who should be speaking more often but they get quickly out of date. Also, the lists approach requires event managers to find contact information and track down the speakers. They also require the event managers to remember the list is there — we market Innovation Women to the event managers. Our weekly newsletters help remind event managers about issues of gender-equity, diversity and inclusion. We’ve been in business for more than a decade – this is a sustainable business, focused on the long term.
5. How does Innovation Women work?
Women looking for more visibility purchase a profile on the Innovation Women website. Event managers (podcasters, journalists, etc.) get a free account and can sign in to seek speakers for their events and conferences. The event managers search for the right speaker for their event and invite speakers through the website. In addition, speakers get access to our platform with hundreds of speaking opportunities that they can apply for.
6. How much does it cost to be a member of Innovation Women?
A Classic Innovation Women membership is $159. (Members in good standing before January 1, 2025 pay a legacy price of $120/year for a Classic membership.) We also offer a Content Creator profile for authors and podcasters with special features. If your company has a membership with some organizations, like MassTLC, you may receive your first year’s profile for free, courtesy of the organization. (You will still need to put in a credit card to activate the account but it will not be charged unless you renew on your own.) We offer some additional services, like our Kickstart and Coaching Cohort programs.
7. Why do you charge the speakers and not the event manager?
We know that people and companies seeking visibility currently pay PR and marketing firms thousands to identify opportunities and speaking engagements. Meanwhile, a lot of high value events (in terms of audience size and target audiences) like Meetups, don’t have budgets for speakers or speaker bureaus. These event managers may have never worked with a traditional bureau but still have great audiences for our speakers. Note: we do not allow events that charge speakers to solicit speakers on our platform.
8. Why would someone chose a profile on Innovation Women over just adding “speaker” to their LinkedIn profile?
LinkedIn is a great platform for chronicling your career and we encourage our members to link their IW profiles to all their social media. IW is singularly focused on bringing our members speaking engagements and the opportunities that visibility drives. Having a database with a variety of great women speakers is what attracts panel managers to our site.
9. I see a lot of profiles in New England, is this a national or international effort?
We are based in the Boston area and started here but we rapidly gained evangelists, ambassadors and partner organizations all over the world. We have speakers, event managers and opportunities from all 50 states and outside the US.) Our speakers get invitations from all over. We recognize that the majority of invitations are local to local which is why we support location-based proximity searches.
10. There’s a lot of talk about the small number of women at technical conferences. It sounds like this website is focused on that problem. Can women from other professions join?
Innovation Women started by focusing on technical and entrepreneurial women but we soon realized that event managers, even ones running very technical conferences, were looking for many different kinds of speakers, on varied topics. Today we have speakers in 190 industries covering more than 10,000 topics. Speakers range from professionals who make tens of thousands of dollars for each speech to just-getting-started speakers. The event managers need women at all stages of their career and across all industries and functions.
11. How do you avoid your speakers getting spammed or recruited?
The Innovation Women speakers are behind a log-in so we can keep an eye on things. But we do urge our speakers to be wary of outrageous offers – trips abroad with you and your immediate family if you simply give the “event manager” access to your bank account, for example. If anyone asks you to pay to speak, please report it. We do not allow events that require speakers to pay. If you have doubts, ask us. Please report any issues to us.
12. Can I purchase a profile for someone else?
13. How are you promoting this service to event managers?
A combination of traditional and social media marketing is the basic foundation of our promotional plan. In addition, we are working with a number of membership organizations that also plan and organize events. They have members who might be great speakers but their own databases aren’t organized the right way to easily find the speakers.
14. How many speaking engagements can I expect if I sign up for your site?
Like almost everything — it depends. It depends on how complete your profile is, what your area of expertise is, how good a job you do tagging your profile to match the words event managers are using. Are you charging? (Some organizations just aren’t set up to pay speaker fees.) Did you connect all your social media accounts? Did you share a video that shows you speaking? We have heard from some speakers that they received multiple offers in just a few weeks while others have yet to receive their first invitation. We should also point out that there is the opportunity for you to do more than just fill in a profile and wait. Our platform also offers hundreds of calls for speakers. The most successful speakers are those who are proactive and apply for opportunities
15. How does an event manager get the best speakers?
The short answer is plan and book ahead. Watch the speaker videos. Check out the example topics to see what the speakers have previously spoken on. Search on topics and don’t immediately use location to rule out speakers. Check out our
Event Manager Best Practices blog post for other ideas.
16. Are there rules I should be aware of?
Women sign up for Innovation Women in order to increase their visibility through speaking engagements. Invites to judge start up pitch contests, be quoted in the press, be a guest on a podcast and other “visibility opportunities” are OK – solicitations, sales pitches and invites to attend events as a member of the audience or out for coffee are not. This is not what IW was designed for. We take reports of abuse of privileges seriously. Any issues between members should be
reported to our team. We also have
Community Standards to help people understand our mission and how we make decisions.
17. Will my employer pay for my membership?
You will need to ask your employer but many companies offer employees reimbursement for career-supporting and enhancing services like ours.
18. Refunds/Returns/Renewals
Innovation Women provides a tremendous amount of value – between access to our list of speaking opportunities, speaker profiles, speaker videos, promotional efforts, education and marketing work we do to attract event managers to the site.
But maybe it’s not a fit for you. It’s OK. Just unsubscribe and your subscription won’t renew on your anniversary. [Sign-in to the platform and go to My Account (lower left) and click on the red My Subscription button (upper left).]
Your account includes information on your renewal date; we remind everyone weekly in our speaker newsletters about how to manage your subscription and we send a system email a week prior to the renewal. If you need a refund, contact us and we’ll help you. (In addition to taking time and attention away from our mission, each refund exacts a small fee so we try to keep these to a minimum! Thanks for your help and support. We reserve the right to pass on that fee.)
If you purchased a class, a webinar series, a program, etc. and it doesn’t fit your needs, exceed your expectations or otherwise “bring you joy”, talk to us, if we can’t make it right, we’ll refund your money.
Note: Some speakers are members of organizations which provide Innovation Women memberships or discounts. In order to receive these discounts, you must APPLY your coupon code in the system before you make your payment. Add your code (case sensitive) and click the APPLY button. Look for the payment notice to reflect your discount before proceeding. Even partial refunds exact a fee.