Entrepreneur turned angel investor, Barbara Clarke is also a valued mentor and one of the founding
members of Astia Angels. With more than 10 years of management consulting experience and 10 years nonprofit experience, she has the insight and first-hand knowledge necessary to spot the right investment. She’s also one of the first investors to recognize the value of Innovation Women for her own portfolio companies and has gifted/invested in IW profiles for the senior women in those companies.

In her own words, “When I find a company that busts through some market inefficiency – like clearing a log jam in a river – that’s my favorite. I’ve spent a lot of time looking at the issue of why women aren’t getting as much funding for their startups. I have lots of strong opinions on that (and a lot of data). I’ve also looked at how women in STEM think of their careers and what barriers they see to having that more entrepreneurial life.”