Are you  looking for guests for your podcast?

According to Podcast Insights 2020, there are currently more than 1,000,000 podcasts with more than 30 million podcast episodes. More than half of all US consumers above the age of 12 listen to podcasts. As per Statista “in 2006, only 22 percent of the adult population in the United States was aware of podcasting”. By 2020, this figure had risen to 75 percent. Podcasting is an increasingly popular pastime and increasingly competitive.

So, how do you make your podcast stand out? Great guests are one way.

Podcasters are always looking for great podcast guests and now, with an increased awareness of the need to better represent the diversity of their audience – different beliefs, cultures, personalities, and yes, gender – the task takes on increased urgency and degree of difficulty.

Innovation Women is here to help you. We connect podcasters with speakers and expert sources via our online platform – we have more than 2000 speakers here. Our speakers make great podcast guests. They are comfortable speaking and they understand storytelling, important skills for a podcast guest.

Simply sign-up for a free account on Innovation Women. Once you verify your email address, you’ll be able to search our platform for free. You’ll be connected with top technical, professional and entrepreneurial women from all over the world. We have experts in functional areas like IT, product management, finance, human resources, and marketing as well as speakers in industries ranging from accounting to wireless. You can find great professional speakers without paying an agency fee. You can connect with industry experts who speak for visibility for themselves and their companies.

Then, take advantage of our commitment to promote our members.  We’ll share links to your interview in our newsletter (15K+ subscribers) and via our social network (25K followers).

Want to search for expert guests for your podcast? Join Innovation Women today and take advantage of all our resources to help you get started!