Event managers – need women speakers to gender-balance your events? Find great speakers at InnovationWomen.com!
Dr. Susan Lovelle will launch her book Thrive! The Five-Week Guide To Mastering Your Energy At Any Age today on Amazon.
Susan Nicholas‘s book The Duality of Being: Perspectives From Multidimensional Travel is available at Amazon.
Susanne Althoff was the keynote speaker at Women Entrepreneurs NYC’s 6th Anniversary Conference: The Secrets of Relaunching Your Business on November 18.
Pamela Sams will be a panelist at the Gals N Gear Emerging Leaders workshop on December 16.
Leah Marone moderated “Why Less is More: Creating and Maintaining Boundaries in a Digital World” at the Women Future conference on November 1-5.
Christine Burkette was interviewed on the Truth Transforms podcast. She also presented Your Business is Talking, Do You Have The Tools To Listen? at the Women of Color STEM Conference on October 8-9.
Takisha Carter presented “Doing Edibles 101” at The Creative Culinary Tokeativity Social November 17.
Laura Fravel spoke at the Women Future Conference on November 1-5, and WIRexec (Women In Research Executive summit) on November 14.