We’re back with our regular newsletter.  We got a lot of great feedback on our special newsletter Wednesday for International Women’s Day. The half-blacked out newsletter demonstrated what happens when you only get half of anything.  (Did you miss it? You can still read it on our website.)
Today through Monday, the Innovation Women team is in Austin, Texas at SXSW. It’s a great place to make connections with women and event managers, including major brands from all over the world – PLUS we’ll get to see some of our speakers in action. If you see us, ask for our special SXSW discount code for speakers. If you are an event manager, we’ll be happy to discuss your speaker needs and walk you through our database of awesome speakers.
P.S. Check out our founder Bobbie Carlton’s article on speaking engagements in the United Nations Academic Impact Women in Science, Technology and Innovation Series!


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