Upcoming events and opportunities for you. Check out below news and events and a lot of great opportunities to network and further your career!
Women Techmakers Global Event Series
March – April
Attend an International Women’s Day Summit at a Google Office near you! From their website: “For the past two years the Women Techmakers team has convened over 200 global events across 52 countries to drive visibility, community, and resources for women in technology in honor of International Women’s Day (IWD).” Click here to find an event near you and learn how to apply.
Startup Stir: An Evening of Entrepreneurship
March 24, 2016
Boston, MA
Startup Stir monthly networking event covers a range of topics that are pertinent to small businesses and entrepreneurs. In celebration of National Women’s History Month they’re hosting a very special evening of entrepreneurship. The event will feature an all-female panel, 3 women of which were booked through InnovationWomen.com! Find out more.
Mixer for Women Business Owners
March 24, 2016
Microsoft Store at the Natick Mall
In honor of National Women’s History Month, please join us for a special, free event for women business owners. You will enjoy: a mini-workshop with valuable tips and tricks about how Office 2016 can make your business more productive than you ever thought possible; an opportunity to network with other local women business owners in the area; insider knowledge about all of the free resources available for businesses in the Microsoft Store. Jayanthi Narasimhan of WatchRx, Inc. is the keynote speaker. She will discuss how businesses innovations benefit women on the go! Space is limited. Sign up today.
Venture Café Thursdays: A Night With Female Founders Breakouts
March 31, 2016
Cambridge, MA
The Venture Cafe is proud announce the next installment in its female founders series. Join them for a electric night of panels, break-out groups, workshops and info tables focused on the future of female founders.
This event will showcase women entrepreneurs who are advancing equality of opportunity for the next generation of women in business, technology and science by working to build a more inclusive innovation community. Learn more.
Perks Convention Spring 2016
April 7, 2016
Microsoft NERD Center
For three years in a row, the PERKS Convention has showcased the coolest on-site services for your office. For one night we bring together the most fun and impactful providers working in health & wellness, convenience, food & beverage, facilities and entertainment. PERKS gives the opportunity for companies to see the most innovative and unique on-site services available.
Geek Girl’s TechCon Discount tickets
April 7th and 9th
Geek Girl is having TWO TechCons in one week. Tickets are currently the cheapest they will every be at $99. That’s a $70 discount! Use code WOMEN99. Find out about getting tickets to one of these to events below:
April 7th, Cambridge, MA
April 9th, Cape Cod, MA
Averting Cyber Disaster: Are Women Our Best Hope?
April 13, 2016
San Diego
Could gender be an important factor in building a stronger, more secure digital future? Find out in this networking and panel discussion event from WITI. Learn more.
The Only One in Heels: Female Leadership in STEM
April 21, 2016
Boston, MA
Attend this networking event and hear from Heather Lavoie of Geneia. She’ll be speaking about her career in the healthcare industry and about her experiences in a traditionally male dominated workforce. Learn more.
Forbes Women’s Summit: Significance as the New Success
May 11-12, 2016
New York City
From their website: “The 2016 Forbes Women’s Summit will explore how and why significance has become the new success—how leaders today, across industries and generations, are redefining pathways to power to deepen their impact and drive meaningful change in their businesses, in their personal lives and within the communities around them.”
Women in Technology Summit
June 5-7, 2016
Silicon Valley
The WITI Summit is the annual gathering of tech-savvy women, held in the heart of Silicon Valley. Executive women, entrepreneurs, and technology thought leaders from around the world converge to collaborate on innovative solutions to common business challenges; explore new business opportunities that underscore how technology is powering change; and build and expand strong connections in a welcoming networking environment of women committed to helping each other succeed. Learn more.
Most Powerful Women Summit 2016
October 17-19, 2016
Liguna Niguel, CA
From their website: Fortune MPW started as a list 17 years ago and has evolved into the world’s most extraordinary leadership community, convening the preeminent women in business—along with select leaders in government, philanthropy, education and the arts—for wide-ranging conversations that inspire and deliver practical advice. The program features one-on- one interviews, panel discussions, interactive breakout sessions and high-level networking.