Innovation Women speakers have new keynotes, virtual events, interviews, and publications – check them out!

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New Speaking Engagements

Kirsten Rourke presents Online Presenting Tips for Improving Performance and Increasing Engagement on April 21.




Lisa Rothstein will be speaking on Visual Notetaking for Innovators at Innovation Leader’s Impact Conference May 18-19 in New York City.



Kim Miles will be speaking at the Bryant University Women’s Summit on April 27 in Smithfield RI.




Amelia Randolph Campbell delivered her first TEDx at TEDx URI on April 2 in Kingston RI.




Karen Fullerton spoke at the Florida Creativity Conference on March 11-13 in Sarasota FL




Cindy Rowe presents It’s All About Me: How to Build A Personal Brand at Blackhawk Technical College in Janesville WI on April 14.




Cindy Gross will be a “Women in Tech” speaker at Data Platform WIT – Mental Wellness Day on April 8.




Melissa Dinwiddie presents her NBVM Learning Lab on April 21.




Robyn Bolton will be speaking at the Women In Product Conference 2022 on May 10-11.




Dorice Horenstein presents “Using Positive Intelligence to Better Interpersonal Relationships” at Standard Insurance on April 14.




Dr. Charmain Jackman presented Shifting from Hustle to Self-Care Mindset on March 30.




Judy Herman will be speaking at the Counselor’s Academy Counselors Conference on May 15-17 in Scottsdale AZ.



Judi Hays was a featured speaker at the Pennsylvania Career Development Association (PACDA) on April 1.



Pamela Sams spoke at the TWC Leadership Conference in McLean VA on April 2.



Robin Buckley will be the keynote at the H.E.R. Conference in Hampton NH in April 8. 






New Publications

Karen Fullerton‘s free e-booklet Don’t Overthink is now available.




Nancy Shenker launched her new site, The Silver Hair Playbook.




Precious Williams‘s book Pitching for Profit is available at Amazon.



New Podcasts and Broadcasts

Melissa Dinwiddie presented Jude Treder-Wolff on her LinkedIn Live show Virtually Inspired.









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