Event managers – need women speakers to gender-balance your events? Find great speakers at InnovationWomen.com!
Erin Lubien presents Networking for Success at K!ck*ass Women.
Caterina Rando presents the Shero Speaker Virtual Summit on September 24-26.
Julia Geisman will present “When You Exclude, You Lose: The Hidden Costs of Excluding” at #DevOpsWorld 2021 on September 28-30.
Maria Shepherd will be speaking at MedExec Women 2021 on October 26 in Boston MA.
Eugina Jordan presents “Accountability under the microscope, network management, reliability and liability” at the Open RAN Forum virtual event on September 14, and “Industry Trends in Executive Leadership” at CCA Annual Convention in Phoenix AZ on September 20-22.
Libby Swan presents “How to make xyz happen?” at Ada’s List Annual Conf 2021 on October 9.
Stacey Shipman will Host/M.C. for The South Shore Conference for Women on October 28 in Quincy, MA.