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New Speaking Engagements
New Publications
Lynn Catalano’s book Wrecking Ball Relationships: How to Identify, Live With or Leave the Narcissist in Your Life is available at Amazon.
Ambika Devi‘s new book, Cupid Is A Bastard, is now available at Amazon.
Katrece Nolen‘s book I’ve Been Diagnosed, Now What?: Courageously Fighting Cancer in the Face of Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt is available at Amazon.
Mj Callaway‘s book Bounce-Up: Outpower Adversity, Boost Resilience, Rebound Higher is available at Amazon.
Lynn Bromley‘s new book ON THE PATH TO JUSTICE – The Dangerous Myth of Empowerment for Women was released March 8.
Regina Lark‘s book Emotional Labor: Why A Woman’s Work is Never Done and What To Do About It is available at Amazon.
New Podcasts and Broadcasts
Anastasia Lipske was interviewed on the Biz Help for You podcast with Candy Messer.
Monique Maley was a guest on Start up Live with Ande Lyons on February 25.
New Interviews
Katrece Nolen was featured in the Washington Post article Advocating for her life in a battle against breast cancer.
Carrie Pasquarello was featured in the USA Today article Traveling abroad? Create a Plan B in case you get COVID. Here’s how to protect yourself
Lovelynn Ivey was interviewed by Authority Magazine on 5 Things You Need To Run A Highly Successful Family Business